The calcined trona can replace soda ash for use in the flotation operation. 经过煅烧的天然碱可以在浮选作业中代替纯碱使用。
Further Processing of Calcined Soda and Conception for Technical Reform of Our Plant 纯碱的延伸加工与我厂技术改造构想
It would meet the standard of circulating water system effluent reuse by adding calcined soda and caustic soda into the system as the same quantity as its calcium hardness and magnesium hardness respectively. 在排污水中分别加入与其Ca2+和Mg2+浓度相同当量的纯碱和烧碱,可以使处理出水的Ca2+浓度和总硬度达到回用水的标准。
In order to reduce the operation cost, a small dynamic test was done with the simulation of the operation conditions of the aeration basin, and calcined soda is being replaced by limewater. 为了降低运行成本,采用小型动态实验,模拟曝气池的运行条件,将石灰水代替纯碱以中和水质。
The sodium bicarbonate is produced in China mainly by two processes: calcined soda liguid phase carbonization and natural soda liquid phase carbonization. 中国小苏打生产主要采用两种工艺:纯碱液相碳化法、天然碱液相碳化法。
Three softening methods had been tested, and the result showed that the efficiency of calcined soda-caustic soda softening method was better than calcined soda softening method and calcined soda-lime softening method to treat the system effluent with higher permanent hardness. 对三种软化方法的考察结果表明,对于永硬较高的循环水系统排污水,纯碱烧碱法的软化效果优于纯碱法和纯碱石灰法。